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For a lot of us, our pets are like our family. We do everything we can to take care of them. We ensure that our pets are well-fed, trained well, get enough of space to run and be fit and, of course, get showered with love and attention. So why not include them in the circle of protection that insurance offers, with Bajaj Allianz Pet Dog Insurance Policy.
With the Bajaj Allianz Pet Dog Insurance Policy, you can give your dog the best medical care while protecting your bank account from unexpected, and expensive, veterinary bills. This annual policy doesn’t just act as a dog health insurance, but also offers support in case your pet goes missing.
Covers your pet dog, between the ages of 3 months to 10 years, over their lifetime
*T&C Apply
Covers treatment of any injury/surgery or mortality resulting from any accident from the moment of policy issuance, without any waiting period
If your pet has a micro-chip or is RFID tagged, you get extra savings of 5% on your premium
Pet Dog Insurance #CaringlyPaws
If an unfortunate event does occur, and you need to make a claim, simply call on our toll free
number 1800-209-5858 within 24 hours of the event.
Some of the documents you may need during the claim process include::
● Duly completed claim form
● Vaccination Certificates
● Death Certificate along with colored photographs of the deceased dog (in case of claim under Mortality Benefit Cover)
● Vet Medical Papers and Bill (in case of claims under Surgery Expenses & Hospitalisation Cover, Mortality Benefit Cover, Long Term Care Cover and OPD Cover)
● Copy of General Diary Entry lodged by Police (in case of claim under Theft/Lost/Straying Cover)
● FIR (in case of claim under Third Party Liability Cover)
● Copy of advertisement (in case of claim under Theft/Lost/Straying Cover)
● Hospital bill (in case of claim under Hospitalization)
● Court Orders (in case of claim under Third Party Liability Cover)
● Diagnostics Report (in case of claim under Terminal Diseases Cover, Long Term Care Cover and OPD Cover)
● Colour phots of your pet dog with the newspaper as on the date of Claims Registration, with the date of the newspaper visible.
● If your pet has an RFID Tag/ Microchip, a colour photo of the RFID Tag, which clearly captures the identification number will work too.
● Any other documents if required by the Company to process the claim
A pet insurance is a must for every pet owner to maintain the pet’s overall well-being. With suitable pet insurance coverage, your pet dog can avail of medical care and secure you against unexpected veterinary bills.
When it comes to buying pet insurance for your dog, it's important to assess their needs. Do not opt for cheap dog insurance only because the premium is low. Protect your pet dog with us by following the steps listed below: Visit https://www.bajajallianz.com/pet-insurance/dog-insurance.html
1. Enter your name and click on ‘Get Quote’
2. Click on ‘Let’s Begin’
3. In the ‘Request Call Back’ form enter the required details correctly
You will receive a call from our ‘Customer Support’ team who will assist you throughout the process for a hassle-free experience.
Our pet dog insurance offers a cover for the failure of vaccinations. This may vary from insurer to insurer. Before you opt for a pet dog health insurance, ensure to read the coverage benefits properly to avoid confusion in the future.
Yes, assess the needs of your pet dog and then buy pet dog insurance online in a hassle-free manner.
Considering the increasing costs of pet grooming, medical care, etc. buying pet dog insurance is a smarter decision. With suitable pet insurance, you may not have to look at buying a separate dog medical insurance. Our pet dog insurance covers your pet dog from an array of risks so that you remain worry-free.
The pet insurance premium is dependent on several factors such as policy term, breed, age of the pet, etc. Comparing the average cost of medical bills for the pet dog and the premium paid to purchase a pet dog insurance it is only wiser to opt for the latter as it is cost-effective.
Yes, you can buy pet insurance for an adopted street dog. The insured pet dog needs to be registered with a deemed local government authority/ municipal corporation or certified Kennel Club of India. This may vary from insurer to insurer.
*T&C apply
Well, a cover is provided for any advertising cost in case of theft/straying of the insured pet dog. Besides, we also pay the Sum Insured opted by the customer.
*T&C apply
It covers the third-party liability of the pet owner with a sum insured option that goes up to Rs. 15, 00,000. Not all pet insurance companies may offer this benefit. Hence, it is suggested to check with the insurer for the same.
*T&C apply
* Note : The premium of this insurance plan would depend upon the age, breed and gender of the dog. Pet dogs are classified into either Small, Medium, Large or Giant sizes based on the breed of the dog.
We also provide Terminal Diseases Cover for your dog
No mandatory pre-policy medical tests for your pet dog, even if your pet is at a higher age. There will be some waiting periods for certain diseases, though.
We’re sure your pet dog’s vaccinations are given as and when required, in the duration of the.. Read more
Vaccination :
We’re sure your pet dog’s vaccinations are given as and when required, in the duration of the policy. And if yes, this insurance will also cover failure of vaccination. Please note that in order for the coverage to be valid, your dog needs to be vaccinated throughout the policy period.
* Note : The buy journey of Plan A is available on the website, however, you may contact the nearest branch or call our 24 hours toll free number 1800-209-5858 / 1800-102-5858 for the alternate Plan B
* Note : For the Mortality Benefit Cover and Theft/Lost/Straying Cover, you may choose any Sum Insured up to a maximum price (which depends upon the breed of the dog and whether the dog is a pedigree or non-pedigree). If you wish to choose a Sum Insured which is applicable only for a pedigree dog, you need to provide us a certificate from Kennel Club of India (KCI) for proving the pedigree lineage. If you wish to choose a Sum Insured which is beyond the maximum price, you need to provide us an invoice or any other proof of purchase price.
Thank You for Your Interest in Bajaj Allianz Insurance Policy, A Customer Support Executive will call you back shortly to assist you through the Process.
Request Call Back
I hereby authorize Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. to call me on the contact number made available by me on the website with a specific request to call back at a convenient time. I further declare that, irrespective of my contact number being registered on National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) under either Fully or Partially Blocked category, any call made or SMS sent in response to my request shall not be construed as an Unsolicited Commercial Communication even though the content of the call may be for the purposes of explaining various insurance products and services or solicitation and procurement of insurance business. Furthermore, I understand that these calls will be recorded & monitored for quality & training purposes, and may be made available to me if required.
Set Renewal Reminder
Thank you for your interest. We will send you a reminder when your policy is due for renewal.
We think it’s a great idea that you’re looking at pet dog insurance options. In order to be eligible for this cover, your dog must be between the ages of 3 months to 4 years for Giant Breeds or 3 months to 7 years for Small/Medium/Large breeds. We can offer your dog insurance for up to the age of 6 years for Giant breeds or 10 years for Small/Medium/Large breeds, if continuously renewed with us.
Now, you must be wondering what documents you need to submit while buying the policy. Well, here’s a list to help you get started:
✓ You’ll need to fill up the form and provide the details relating to your pet dog on our website
✓ To help identify your pet, we’ll need colour photos of your pet from 5 sides, Front, Back, Left, Right and Top. If your pet has an RFID chip, a colour photo, which clearly captures the identification number will work too. The photo needs to include the newspaper as on the date of application, with the date of the newspaper visible.
✓ You’ll also need to self-declare that your pet has received all their vaccinations on time
✓ If your pet is more than 4 years of age, and you’re opting to waive off the 90 days waiting period (as explained in Special Conditions) we’ll need some Diagnostics Test Results, such as Bio-chemistry test, Circulatory blood count, urine test and chest X-Ray.
✓ If you are choosing a Sum Insured which applicable for a pedigree lineage, you’ll also need to provide a Pedigree Certificate from Kennel Club of India
✓ If you are choosing a higher Sum Insured than the maximum price defined for that breed, you’ll need to provide purchase proof
In case you are applying for a pet dog over the age of 4 years, you will have to opt for either:
Presenting the medical test reports of the dog conducted in the last 7 days for the following medical tests; such as Bio-chemistry test, Circulatory blood count, urine test and chest X-Ray.
No cover for the initial 90 days of the policy period from the date of inception of the policy for any Surgery, Hospitalization, Mortality, Terminal Diseases, Long Term Care or OPD related covers with respect to following illnesses:
Sr.No. | Illness Name |
1 | Liver dysfunction |
2 | Kidney dysfunction |
3 | Pancreatic Dysfunction |
4 | Cushing’s Syndrome |
5 | Diabetes |
6 | Thyroid Dysfunction |
7 | All types of Cancers and tumors |
8 | Meningitis |
9 | Epilepsy |
10 | Peritonitis |
11 | Inflammation of Prostate Gland |
12 | Coagulation Disorders |
13 | Cardiac Dysfunction |
14 | Otitis |
15 | Hip Dysplasia |
16 | Ascites |
17 | Parvo Virus Infection |
18 | Distemper |
19 | Canine Leptospirosis |
20 | Upper Respiratory Tract Infection |
21 | Urinary Tract Infection |
22 | Vestibular Disorder |
23 | Pneumonia |
24 | Pyometra |
25 | Osteo Arthritis |
26 | Venereal Granuloma |
27 | Insulinoma |
28 | Hematoma in ear |
29 | All Eye Related Problems |
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I hereby authorize Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. to call me on the contact number made available by me on the website with a specific request to call back at a convenient time. I further declare that, irrespective of my contact number being registered on National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) under either Fully or Partially Blocked category, any call made or SMS sent in response to my request shall not be construed as an Unsolicited Commercial Communication even though the content of the call may be for the purposes of explaining various insurance products and services or solicitation and procurement of insurance business. Furthermore, I understand that these calls will be recorded & monitored for quality & training purposes, and may be made available to me if required.
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